The Second Richard Marceau Energy Symposium
Date: November 12th, 2020 14:05 – 16.00 MST
A collaboration by Bowman Centre for Sustainable Energy, Canadian Academy of Engineering, and IEEE Electric Power and Energy Conference 2020
The symposium will be an online event of national interest. Presentations include:
Indigenous Leadership in Nation-Building Energy Projects
In Canada, First Nations and the Crown have a special relationship. This presentation will share the successful experiences of Walpole Island First Nation with infrastructure projects. Their experience and ‘Consultation and Accommodation Protocol’ serve to build capacity for engagement, and overcome challenges.
Dean M. Jacobs is the Consultation Manager, External Projects Program, for Walpole Island First Nation
Electric Vehicle Impact on the Oil Sands; Preparing a Nation for the Future
Ed Brost, Peter Smith, and Marshall Kern, co-authored a White Paper on the impact of the growth of the electric vehicle market share on the Alberta Oil Sands. The White Paper details that there will be a fundamental and permanent change in the demand for petroleum fuels for transportation. We call for a transition plan for the Oil & Gas sector to address both the opportunities and threats of this structural change. We argue that a tipping point for fuel demand will occur early in this decade. Action is required within the current mandates of the Federal and most Provincial governments.
Links to a Canadian National Electrical Grid
The Bowman Centre for Sustainable Energy has worked the national electrical grid file for a decade. We know that electricity will continue to grow in importance with respect to the standard of living Canadians enjoy. Our focus has been on sources, or generators, of electricity; and transmission lines from those sources to areas of consumption. This presentation will review our successes, and highlight five obstacles to be overcome.
Legacy of Dr. Richard Marceau
Dr. Yves Beauchamp is the President of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, and a colleague of Dr. Richard Marceau. He will deliver comments on the legacy of Dr. Marceau after whom this Symposium is named.